3. About trusting, thus caring - Philosophy in the dark
vrijdag 11 april 2025 21:20 - 22:10
Locatie Oude Stadhuis, Markt 1 Middelburg
Categorie Volwassenen
Tags Filosofie Workshop
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3. About trusting, thus caring - Philosophy in the dark


'To trust is good, but to not trust is better.'

How many times have we trusted only ourselves, our senses? How often have we trusted our neighbour instead? What is the boundary that unites and divides us from each other?

It could be that in this tiny space between the limits of our existences hides much more. It could be that in this in-between space lies the component of 'caring' from which we often tend to turn away, forgetting that we can still trust each other. Prepare to lose your senses, to trust only each other and the power of words.

This activity is part of Nachtuilen: filosoferen over zorgen

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